== ICQNEWDB.TXT -- version 0.19 (04/19/2000)
== Discusses the format of ICQ 99a's NewDB files (uin.DAT and uin.IDX),
== with some mention of ICQ 99b's DB99b files.
== Managed by: Derek Soeder
== Feel free to use the information in this document as you wish, but
== please give credit to the appropriate contributors (listed at the end
== of this document). If you choose to redistribute this document, you
== must do so for free, with the exception of compensation for any
== reasonable expenses, and this notice and the credits must remain intact.
== The information contained in this document was gathered through
== observation of the uin.DAT and uin.IDX files ("database files") for
== ICQ 99x, and may be incorrect. Use it at your own risk.
== This document is in no way sponsored, supported, or condoned by
== ICQ Inc., Mirabilis, or AOL. ICQ is Copyright (C) 1999, ICQ Inc.
As of ICQ 99a, all event, user, and contact information is stored in the
ICQ\NewDB\ directory, in the user's uin.DAT file. uin.IDX is
essentially a linked list that points to the entries in uin.DAT. I have
not currently found any form of encryption to be used in either file.
ICQ 99b databases have an almost identical format (all known variations
are labeled in this document). Its uin.DAT and uin.IDX files reside in
the ICQ\Db99b\ directory.
For the file formats below, an offset, a data type, and a description is
given for each known piece of data. Following variable-length data (for
instance, an ASCIIZ string), offsets will be prefixed by a "+", meaning
the offset is relative to the next byte after the variable-length data.
In the instance that another variable-length piece of data follows the
first, the offset will reset back to "+00000000". Offsets within
individual DAT/IDX entries are relative to the start of the entry, and
begin with 0 corresponding to the start of the entry. All offsets in the
"offset" column are in hexadecimal.
The data types used below correspond to C++ data types. For example, a
CHAR is a signed BYTE (a BYTE is considered unsigned), and a WORD is an
unsigned SHORT (a SHORT is considered a signed 2-byte integer). ICQ
seems to use LONGs (4-byte signed integers) rather than DWORDs (unsigned
LONG) based on the frequent occurrence of FFFFFFFEh (-2), although I have
not been able to ascertain whether the 2-byte integers used are signed or
unsigned. By default, all short integers will be referred to as WORDs.
ICQ uses file offset pointers (referred to below as "pointers"), rather
than "array indices", to point to uin.IDX and uin.DAT entries. A file
offset of 0 corresponds to the first byte of the file.
Whenever a word is listed as describing the length of a following null-
terminated ("ASCIIZ") string, it includes the terminating null in its
value. A value of 0 for the length would therefore mean that no string
data is present, not even a null.
The "separator value" is a 2-byte value that appears frequently
throughout the DAT in predictable locations, usually after a variable
number of "trash" bytes. The value appears to be consistent throughout a
DAT, although it may vary among owners. To correctly read the DAT file
for all users, it may be necessary to read an indefinite number of bytes
from the file until the separator value is encountered. If you see a
number of reserved bytes documented below, immediately followed by a
separator value, you may need to employ the technique at that point.
The uin.IDX file begins with a 225-byte header, which is followed by the
linked list entries (20 bytes each). Do not assume, however, that all
list entries will fall on an offset corresponding to 225+(index*20).
Since the IDX pointers are file pointers rather than array indices, it
is possible to have entries that do not have 20-byte alignment.
offset data type description
----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
00000000 LONG ??? (4)
00000004 LONG ??? (20)
00000008 LONG ??? (8)
0000000C LONG IDX pointer to "root" entry?
Apparently, if you start at this "root" entry and walk the chain via
the LONG at offset +8 in each following IDX entry, you'll eventually
arrive at a complete chain of valid entries (entry status = -2).
00000010 LONG ICQ database version?
10 = ICQ 99a (NewDB)
14 = ICQ 99b (DB99B)
00000014 LONG ??? (201)
00000018 4 LONGs unused??? (0)
00000028 LONG ???
0000002C LONG ??? (1)
00000030 LONG ??? (20)
00000034 LONG ???
00000038 LONG ???
0000003C 10 LONGs unused??? (0)
00000064 125 BYTEs reserved? (FFh) //sometimes contains data?
000000E1 --- start of IDX linked list entries
//In case you can't tell, I really don't get most of this header.
== Format of IDX linked list entry (20 BYTEs each):
offset data type description
----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
00000000 LONG entry status? :
-2 = valid IDX entry
else = deleted/invalid ?
00000004 LONG DAT entry number:
1..14? = ???a
1005 = My Details
1006 = Address Book?
1014 = Chats event folder?
1015 = Messages event folder?
1025 = Messages event folder?
1050 = ???
1110 = ICQ Servers List
1101 = plug-in info?
1102 = Objectionable Words List?
2001+ = user events/contact info
00000008 LONG IDX pointer to next entry (-1 = end of chain)
0000000C LONG IDX pointer to previous entry (-1 = none)
00000010 LONG DAT pointer to corresponding DAT entry
It seems that ICQ resizes the IDX file as necessary, to provide space for
entries in blocks of 1000 (20000 bytes). I'm not sure if this amount is
in relation to 20-byte alignment (file size will be 225+(20*entries)), or
the alignment of the last entry written. I'm also uncertain what causes
this shift in alignment, though I have observed it before.
The uin.DAT file begins with a 213-byte header (I think). The rest of
the file contains DAT entries that are pointed to by the linked list in
uin.IDX. The generic DAT entry format, as well as the currently known
specific formats, are also covered below.
offset data type description
----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
00000000 LONG ??? (4)
00000004 LONG ??? (8)
00000008 LONG ??? (201)
0000000C 4 LONGs unused??? (0)
0000001C LONG ???
00000020 LONG ??? (0)
00000024 LONG ??? (64)
00000028 LONG ???
0000002C LONG ???
00000030 10 LONGs unused??? (0)
00000058 LONG ??? (-129)
0000005C 121 BYTEs reserved? (FFh) //sometimes contains data?
000000D5 --- start of DAT entry space
//Not much luck with this header, either.
All DAT entries seem to begin with a generic header that further
specifies the format of the entry.
== Format of DAT entry header:
offset data type description
----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
00000000 LONG size of following entry data in bytes
00000004 LONG where entry is filed?
-1 = not filed?
0 = Messages?
1 = Contact list?
2 = Ignore list?
9 = System Messages?
00000008 LONG DAT entry number (see offset +4 in IDX entry)
0000000C 16 BYTEs valid DAT entry/type signature
First byte (E0h..F1h,F6h) expresses an entry type:
E0h = Message / URL Message / Request For
Authorization / "Authorization" /
System Request / "You Were Added" /
Contacts List
E1h = Chat Request
E2h = File Request
E4h = My Details
E5h = contact information
E6h = Reminder
E7h = address book?
ECh = Voice Message??? //I have no idea
EEh = Note
EFh = event folder
F1h = servers list / objectionable words list
F6h = (new to ICQ 99b???)
Whole signature = {0}: ???a
0000001C --- beginning of type-specific DAT entry data
offset data type description
----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
== Format of ???a data:
00000008 LONG DAT entry number -- denotes a filing category?
0000000C 16 BYTEs signature data = {0}
0000001C LONG DAT entry number duplicated?
00000020 LONG number of following LONGs (excluding first)
00000024 LONG ???
00000028 n LONGs IDX pointers to entries that link to ???b entries
in the DAT file -- the DAT entry numbers of
these IDX entries correspond to DAT entries
which are filed in this category
(n = LONG at ofs 20)
== Format of ???b data:
== (does not use a typical DAT entry header)
00000000 LONG size of following entry data in bytes
00000004 16 BYTEs unused??? (0)
00000014 LONG DAT pointer to next ???b entry
00000018 LONG ???
0000001C ?? BYTEs ???
== Format of Message data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E0h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG filing status flags:
bit 0 = filed as 0:Sent, 1:Received
bit 1 = in Deleted Items -- 0:no, 1:yes
bit 2 = in Messages -- 0:no, 1:yes
00000022 WORD entry type:
0001h = Message
0004h = URL Message
0013h = Contacts List
00000024 LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000028 WORD length of text
0000002A ASCIIZ text (0001h: message; 0004h -- FEh separates
fields: description, URL; 0013h -- FEh
terminates fields: number of contacts
(ASCII), {ICQ number (ASCII), nickname}, ...)
$+00000000 LONG ???
+00000004 LONG 0:received, 1:sent
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp
== Format of Chat Request data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E1h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG filing status flags:
bit 0 = filed as 0:Sent, 1:Received
bit 2 = in Messages -- 0:no, 1:yes
00000022 WORD entry type:
0002h = Chat Request
00000024 LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000028 WORD length of reason message
0000002A ASCIIZ reason message for chat
$+00000000 LONG ???
+00000004 LONG 0:received, 1:sent
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp
== Format of File Request data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E2h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG filing status flags:
bit 0 = filed as 0:Sent, 1:Received
bit 2 = ??? (1)
00000022 WORD entry type:
0003h = File Request
00000024 LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000028 WORD length of file description
0000002A ASCIIZ file description
$+00000000 LONG 0:accepted, 1:declined
+00000004 LONG 0:received, 1:sent
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp
+0000000E ? BYTEs unused??? (0); 5 bytes if sent, 13 if received?
$+00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
+00000004 WORD ???
+00000006 WORD length of file name
+00000008 ASCIIZ file name (may read "n Files" for multiple)
$+00000000 LONG size of file (or size of batch if multiple?)
+00000004 WORD length of local path (0 if canceled/declined)
+00000006 ASCIIZ local path where file was saved
$+00000000 8 BYTEs undefined???
== Format of System Message data:
00000004 LONG 9
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E0h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG ??? (1)
00000022 WORD Entry type:
0006h = Request For Authorization
0007h = "Authorization" (denied)
0008h = "Authorization" (accepted)
0009h = System Request
000Ch = "You Were Added"
00000024 LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000028 WORD length of text
0000002A ASCIIZ text (0007h/0008h -- null string; 0006h/0009h/
000Ch -- FEh separates fields: nickname,
first name, last name, e-mail, status
(ASCII number), message)
values of "status":
0 = ???
1 = ???
3 = System Request (from ICQ)?
$+00000000 LONG ???
+00000004 LONG 0:received, 1:sent
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp
== Format of Reminder data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E6h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG filing status flags:
bit 0 = filed as 0:Sent, 1:Received
00000022 WORD entry type:
0018h = Reminder
00000024 LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000028 WORD length of text
0000002A ASCIIZ reminder text
$+00000000 LONG ??? (0)
+00000004 LONG ???
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp of reminder's creation
+0000000E 23 BYTEs unused??? (0)
+00000025 WORD ???
+00000027 LONG timestamp of reminder's target time
== Format of Note data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = EEh
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E WORD ??? (0)
00000020 WORD 0:hidden, 1:visible
00000024 WORD length of text
0000002A ASCIIZ note text
$+00000000 LONG status flags:
bit 1 = filed in 0:Notes, 1:Deleted Notes
+00000004 LONG timestamp
+00000008 LONG background color of note window (00BBGGRRh)
+0000000C LONG 0:normal Z-order, 1:Always on Top
+00000010 LONG top (Y) position of note window, in pixels
+00000014 LONG left (X) position of note window, in pixels
+00000018 LONG height of note window, in pixels
+0000001C LONG width of note window, in pixels
+00000020 LONG ???
+00000024 LONG ???
+00000028 LONG font attributes:
bit 0 = Bold
bit 1 = Italic
bit 2 = Underline
bit 3 = Strikeout
bit 4 = ??? (1)
+0000002C LONG font size * 20 (for example: 240 = 12-point font)
+00000030 LONG ???
+00000034 LONG font color (00BBGGRRh)
+00000038 BYTE ??? (0)
+00000039 BYTE maximum length of font name (excludes null)
+00000040 ASCIIZ[n] font name (n = maximum length + 1)
== Format of Voice Message??? data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = ECh
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG UIN of sender/recipient
00000022 16 BYTEs ???
00000032 LONG ??? (0)
00000036 LONG ???
0000003A LONG ???
0000003E 9 BYTEs ???
00000047 LONG length of WAV file name
0000004B ASCIIZ complete path and file name of ??? WAV file
$+00000000 DWORD ??? (0)
== Format of ICQ Servers List data:
00000008 LONG DAT entry number = 1100
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = F1h
0000001C LONG timestamp???
00000020 LONG number of servers
00000024 --- list of consecutive server entries
>> Format of each server entry:
00000000 LONG unused??? (0)
00000004 WORD port
00000006 WORD length of server name
00000008 ASCIIZ server name
== Format of Objectionable Words List data:
00000008 LONG DAT entry number = 1102
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = F1h
0000001C LONG unused??? (0)
00000020 LONG number of objectionable word entries
00000024 --- list of consecutive objectionable word entries
>> Format of each objectionable word entry:
00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
00000004 WORD length of objectionable word
00000006 ASCIIZ objectionable word
== Format of My Details (NewDB) data:
00000008 LONG DAT entry number = 1005
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E4h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG label = 55534552h ('USER')
00000022 LONG user entry status:
6 = "My Details"
00000026 44 BYTEs unused??? (0)
00000052 WORD //separator value
00000054 LONG number of default event WAV entries
00000058 --- list of consecutive default event WAV entries
$+00000000 36 BYTEs unused??? (0)
+00000024 WORD //separator value
+00000026 --- 99a user information for owner of this DAT file
$+00000000 WORD length of password
+00000002 ASCIIZ user's ICQ password
$+00000000 LONG ???
+00000004 14 BYTEs ???
+00000012 WORD length of POP3 account user name
+00000014 ASCIIZ POP3 account user name
$+00000000 WORD length of POP3 account password
+00000002 ASCIIZ POP3 account password
$+00000000 WORD length of POP3 server name
+00000002 ASCIIZ POP3 server name
$+00000000 21 BYTEs ???
+00000015 LONG number of contact groups
+00000019 --- list of consecutive contact group entries
$+00000000 LONG unused??? (0)
+00000004 BYTE ???
+00000005 WORD //separator value
+00000007 LONG number of additional user properties
+0000000B --- list of consecutive user properties
>> Format of each event WAV entry:
00000000 WORD //separator value
00000002 LONG user event for which WAV will be played:
1 = Message
2 = Chat
3 = File
4 = URL
10 = Externals
19 = Contact
20 = Phone
2007 = User ID //not in My Details
2010 = Online Alert
00000006 LONG 0:play default WAV, 1:play the user-specified WAV
0000000A WORD length of file name
0000000C ASCIIZ full path and file name of WAV
>> Format of 99a user information:
00000000 WORD //separator value
00000002 LONG number of user properties
00000006 --- list of consecutive user properties
$+00000000 WORD length of user name
+00000002 ASCIIZ user name (what user is called; usually nickname)
$+00000000 WORD length of nickname
+00000002 ASCIIZ nickname
$+00000000 WORD length of First Name
+00000002 ASCIIZ First Name
$+00000000 WORD length of Last Name
+00000002 ASCIIZ Last Name
$+00000000 WORD length of primary e-mail address
+00000002 ASCIIZ primary e-mail address
$+00000000 LONG UIN of this user
+00000004 BYTE authorization -- 0:required to add user, 1:none
+00000005 CHAR GMT offset (negative count of half-hours):
-2 = GMT +(01:00)
-1 = GMT +(00:30)
0 = GMT (00:00)
1 = GMT -(00:30)
2 = GMT -(01:00)
+00000006 DWORD current/last IP address (network byte order)
+0000000A BYTE gender -- 0:Not Specified, 1:Female, 2:Male
+0000000B LONG Home Country: (WINDOWS\SYSTEM\icqmutl.dll)
1 = USA
7 = Russia
20 = Egypt
27 = South Africa
30 = Greece
31 = Netherlands
32 = Belgium
33 = France
34 = Spain
36 = Hungary
39 = Italy
40 = Romania
41 = Switzerland
42 = Czech Republic
43 = Austria
44 = United Kingdom
45 = Denmark
46 = Sweden
47 = Norway
48 = Poland
49 = Germany
51 = Peru
52 = Mexico
53 = Cuba
54 = Argentina
55 = Brazil
56 = Chile
57 = Colombia
58 = Venezuela
60 = Malaysia
61 = Australia
62 = Indonesia
63 = Philippines
64 = New Zealand
65 = Singapore
66 = Thailand
81 = Japan
82 = Korea (Republic of)
84 = Vietnam
86 = China
90 = Turkey
91 = India
92 = Pakistan
93 = Afghanistan
94 = Sri Lanka
95 = Myanmar
98 = Iran
101 = Anguilla
102 = Antigua
103 = Bahamas
104 = Barbados
105 = Bermuda
106 = British Virgin Islands
107 = Canada
108 = Cayman Islands
109 = Dominica
110 = Dominican Republic
111 = Grenada
112 = Jamaica
113 = Montserrat
114 = Nevis
115 = St. Kitts
116 = St. Vincent and the Grenadines
117 = Trinidad and Tobago
118 = Turks and Caicos Islands
120 = Barbuda
121 = Puerto Rico
122 = Saint Lucia
123 = United States Virgin Islands
212 = Morocco
213 = Algeria
216 = Tunisia
218 = Libya
220 = Gambia
221 = Senegal Republic
222 = Mauritania
223 = Mali
224 = Guinea
225 = Ivory Coast
226 = Burkina Faso
227 = Niger
228 = Togo
229 = Benin
230 = Mauritius
231 = Liberia
232 = Sierra Leone
233 = Ghana
234 = Nigeria
235 = Chad
236 = Central African Republic
237 = Cameroon
238 = Cape Verde Islands
239 = Sao Tome and Principe
240 = Equatorial Guinea
241 = Gabon
242 = Congo
243 = Dem. Rep. of the Congo
244 = Angola
245 = Guinea-Bissau
246 = Diego Garcia
247 = Ascension Island
248 = Seychelle Islands
249 = Sudan
250 = Rwanda
251 = Ethiopia
252 = Somalia
253 = Djibouti
254 = Kenya
255 = Tanzania
256 = Uganda
257 = Burundi
258 = Mozambique
260 = Zambia
261 = Madagascar
262 = Reunion Island
263 = Zimbabwe
264 = Namibia
265 = Malawi
266 = Lesotho
267 = Botswana
268 = Swaziland
269 = Mayotte Island
290 = St. Helena
291 = Eritrea
297 = Aruba
298 = Faeroe Islands
299 = Greenland
350 = Gibraltar
351 = Portugal
352 = Luxembourg
353 = Ireland
354 = Iceland
355 = Albania
356 = Malta
357 = Cyprus
358 = Finland
359 = Bulgaria
370 = Lithuania
371 = Latvia
372 = Estonia
373 = Moldova
374 = Armenia
375 = Belarus
376 = Andorra
377 = Monaco
378 = San Marino
379 = Vatican City
380 = Ukraine
381 = Yugoslavia
385 = Croatia
386 = Slovenia
387 = Bosnia and Herzegovina
389 = F.Y.R.O.M. (Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia)
500 = Falkland Islands
501 = Belize
502 = Guatemala
503 = El Salvador
504 = Honduras
505 = Nicaragua
506 = Costa Rica
507 = Panama
508 = St. Pierre and Miquelon
509 = Haiti
590 = Guadeloupe
591 = Bolivia
592 = Guyana
593 = Ecuador
594 = French Guiana
595 = Paraguay
596 = Martinique
597 = Suriname
598 = Uruguay
599 = Netherlands Antilles
670 = Saipan Island
671 = Guam
672 = Christmas Island
673 = Brunei
674 = Nauru
675 = Papua New Guinea
676 = Tonga
677 = Solomon Islands
678 = Vanuatu
679 = Fiji Islands
680 = Palau
681 = Wallis and Futuna Islands
682 = Cook Islands
683 = Niue
684 = American Samoa
685 = Western Samoa
686 = Kiribati Republic
687 = New Caledonia
688 = Tuvalu
689 = French Polynesia
690 = Tokelau
691 = Micronesia, Federated States of
692 = Marshall Islands
705 = Kazakhstan
706 = Kyrgyz Republic
708 = Tajikistan
709 = Turkmenistan
711 = Uzbekistan
800 = International Freephone Service
850 = Korea (North)
852 = Hong Kong
853 = Macau
855 = Cambodia
856 = Laos
871 = INMARSAT (Atlantic-East)
872 = INMARSAT (Pacific)
873 = INMARSAT (Indian)
874 = INMARSAT (Atlantic-West)
880 = Bangladesh
886 = Taiwan, Republic of China
960 = Maldives
961 = Lebanon
962 = Jordan
963 = Syria
964 = Iraq
965 = Kuwait
966 = Saudi Arabia
967 = Yemen
968 = Oman
971 = United Arab Emirates
972 = Israel
973 = Bahrain
974 = Qatar
975 = Bhutan
976 = Mongolia
977 = Nepal
994 = Azerbaijan
995 = Georgia
2691 = Comoros
4101 = Liechtenstein
4201 = Slovak Republic
5399 = Guantanamo Bay
5901 = French Antilles
6101 = Cocos-Keeling Islands
6701 = Rota Island
6702 = Tinian Island
6721 = Australian Antarctic Territory
6722 = Norfolk Island
9999 = Unknown
else = (not entered) // ICQ uses 0
+0000000F LONG age of user (-1 = not entered)
+00000013 WORD length of Home City text
+00000015 ASCIIZ Home City text
$+00000000 WORD length of Home State text
+00000002 ASCIIZ Home State text
$+00000000 WORD length of additional details text
+00000002 ASCIIZ additional details text (info specified by user)
$+00000000 WORD length of user's Homepage URL
+00000002 ASCIIZ user's Homepage URL
$+00000000 WORD length of Home Phone number
+00000002 ASCIIZ Home Phone number
$+00000000 WORD length of notes text
+00000002 ASCIIZ notes text (empty in My Details)
$+00000000 LONG Home Zip Code (0 = not entered)
+00000004 LONG timestamp of last Phonebook update
+00000008 LONG unused??? (0)
+0000000C LONG number of Phonebook entries
+00000010 --- list of consecutive Phonebook entries
$+00000000 WORD length of picture file name
+00000002 ASCIIZ local path and file name of user's saved picture
$+00000000 8 BYTEs unused??? (0)
+00000008 WORD //separator value
+0000000A LONG timestamp of last My Details update
+0000000E WORD length of secondary e-mail address
+00000010 ASCIIZ secondary e-mail address
$+00000000 WORD length of old e-mail address
+00000002 ASCIIZ old e-mail address
$+00000000 LONG ??? (0)
+00000004 BYTE day of birthdate
+00000005 BYTE month of birthdate (1..12 = January..December)
+00000006 BYTE year of birthday (0..99 = 1900..1999) //Y2K!!!
+00000007 LONG ???
+0000000B LONG ???
+0000000F 3 BYTEs languages spoken: (WINDOWS\SYSTEM\icqmutl.dll)
1 = Arabic
2 = Bhojpuri
3 = Bulgarian
4 = Burmese
5 = Cantonese
6 = Catalan
7 = Chinese
8 = Croatian
9 = Czech
10 = Danish
11 = Dutch
12 = English
13 = Esperanto
14 = Estonian
15 = Farci
16 = Finnish
17 = French
18 = Gaelic
19 = German
20 = Greek
21 = Hebrew
22 = Hindi
23 = Hungarian
24 = Icelandic
25 = Indonesian
26 = Italian
27 = Japanese
28 = Khmer
29 = Korean
30 = Lao
31 = Latvian
32 = Lithuanian
33 = Malay
34 = Norwegian
35 = Polish
36 = Portuguese
37 = Romanian
38 = Russian
39 = Serbo-Croatian
40 = Slovak
41 = Slovenian
42 = Somali
43 = Spanish
44 = Swahili
45 = Swedish
46 = Tagalog
47 = Tatar
48 = Thai
49 = Turkish
50 = Ukrainian
51 = Urdu
52 = Vietnamese
53 = Yiddish
54 = Yoruba
55 = Afrikaans
56 = Bosnian
57 = Persian
58 = Albanian
else = (empty) //ICQ uses 0
+00000012 WORD length of Home Street Address
+00000014 ASCIIZ Home Street Address
$+00000000 WORD length of Home Fax number
+00000002 ASCIIZ Home Fax number
$+00000000 WORD length of Home Cellular number
+00000002 ASCIIZ Home Cellular number
$+00000000 LONG ??? (0)
+00000004 WORD length of Company Div/Dept
+00000006 ASCIIZ Company Div/Dept
$+00000000 BYTE Occupation: (ICQ\Defaults\Occupation.dat)
1 = Academic
2 = Administrative
3 = Art/Entertainment
4 = College Student
5 = Computers
6 = Community & Social
7 = Education
8 = Engineering
9 = Financial Services
10 = Government
11 = High School Student
12 = Home
13 = ICQ - Providing Help
14 = Law
15 = Managerial
16 = Manufacturing
17 = Medical/Health
else = (empty) //ICQ uses 0
+00000001 LONG ??? (0)
+00000005 WORD length of Company Position
+00000007 ASCIIZ Company Position
$+00000000 WORD length of Company Name
+00000002 ASCIIZ Company Name
$+00000000 WORD length of Work Street Address
+00000002 ASCIIZ Work Street Address
$+00000000 WORD length of Work State text
+00000002 ASCIIZ Work State text
$+00000000 WORD length of Work City text
+00000002 ASCIIZ Work City text
$+00000000 LONG Work Zip Code (0 = not entered)
+00000004 LONG Work Country (see "Home Country" for values)
+00000008 WORD length of Work Phone number
+0000000A ASCIIZ Work Phone number
$+00000000 WORD length of Work Fax number
+00000002 ASCIIZ Work Fax number
$+00000000 WORD length of Work Homepage URL
+00000002 ASCIIZ Work Homepage URL
$+00000000 WORD length of Past Background #1 keywords
+00000002 ASCIIZ Past Background #1 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Past Bkg. #1 category: (ICQ\Defaults\PastBG.dat)
0 = (empty)
300 = Elementary School
301 = High School
302 = College
303 = University
304 = Military
305 = Past Work Place
306 = Past Organization
399 = Other
+00000002 WORD length of Past Background #2 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Past Background #2 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Past Bkg. #2 category (see list for Past Bkg. #1)
+00000002 WORD length of Past Background #3 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Past Background #3 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Past Bkg. #3 category (see list for Past Bkg. #1)
+00000002 WORD length of Affiliation #1 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Affiliation #1 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Affiliation #1 category: (ICQ\Defaults\Group.dat)
0 = (empty)
200 = Alumni Org.
201 = Charity Org.
202 = Club/Social Org.
203 = Community Org.
204 = Cultural Org.
205 = Fan Clubs
206 = Fraternity/Sorority
207 = Hobbyists Org.
208 = International Org.
209 = Nature and Environment Org.
210 = Professional Org.
211 = Scientific/Technical Org.
212 = Self Improvement Group
213 = Spiritual/Religious Org.
214 = Sports Org.
215 = Support Org.
216 = Trade and Business Org.
217 = Union
218 = Volunteer Org.
299 = Other
+00000002 WORD length of Affiliation #2 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Affiliation #2 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Affiliation #2 category (see list for Affil. #1)
+00000002 WORD length of Affiliation #3 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Affiliation #3 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Affiliation #3 category (see list for Affil. #1)
+00000002 20 BYTEs unused??? (0)
+00000016 WORD length of Interest #1 keywords
+00000018 ASCIIZ Interest #1 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Interest #1 category: (ICQ\Defaults\Interest.dat)
0 = (empty)
100 = Art
101 = Cars
102 = Celebrity Fans
103 = Collections
104 = Computers
105 = Culture & Literature
106 = Fitness
107 = Games
108 = Hobbies
109 = ICQ - Providing Help
110 = Internet
111 = Lifestyle
112 = Movies/TV
113 = Music
114 = Outdoor Activities
115 = Parenting
116 = Pets/Animals
117 = Religion
118 = Science/Technology
119 = Skills
120 = Sports
121 = Web Design
122 = Nature and Environment
123 = News & Media
124 = Government
125 = Business & Economy
126 = Mystics
127 = Travel
128 = Astronomy
129 = Space
130 = Clothing
131 = Parties
132 = Women
133 = Social science
134 = 60's
135 = 70's
136 = 80's
137 = 50's
+00000002 WORD length of Interest #2 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Interest #2 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Interest #2 category (see list for Interest #1)
+00000002 WORD length of Interest #3 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Interest #3 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Interest #3 category (see list for Interest #1)
+00000002 WORD length of Interest #4 keywords
+00000004 ASCIIZ Interest #4 keywords
$+00000000 WORD Interest #4 category (see list for Interest #1)
+00000002 40 BYTES unused??? (0)
>> Format of each user property:
00000000 WORD length of property name
00000002 ASCIIZ property name
$+00000000 BYTE property value type:
100 = CHAR
101 = BYTE
102 = WORD
104 = DWORD
105 = LONG
107 = WORD (length) + ASCIIZ (string)
+00000001 property value
>> Format of each Phonebook entry:
00000000 WORD length of phone number entry name
00000002 ASCIIZ phone number entry name
$+00000000 WORD length of area code text
+00000002 ASCIIZ area code text
$+00000000 WORD length of prefix text
+00000002 ASCIIZ prefix text
$+00000000 WORD length of country name
+00000002 ASCIIZ country name
$+00000000 WORD ??? (0)
+00000002 WORD length of number (last 4 digits) text
+00000004 ASCIIZ number text
>> Format of each contact group entry:
00000000 LONG group value:
3 = Awaiting Authorization
1000+ = user-defined group
00000004 WORD length of group name
00000006 ASCIIZ group name
$+00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
+00000004 WORD group visual status -- 0:closed, 1:open
== Format of My Details (Db99b) data:
00000008 LONG DAT entry number = 1005
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E4h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG label = 55534552h ('USER')
00000022 LONG user entry status
6 = "My Details"
00000026 LONG 0? (corresponds to contact group value)
0000002A 40 BYTEs unused??? (0)
00000052 WORD //separator value
00000054 LONG number of default event WAV entries
00000058 --- list of consecutive default event WAV entries
$+00000000 WORD //separator value
+00000002 --- 99b user information for owner of this DAT file
$+00000000 LONG number of contact groups
+00000004 --- list of consecutive contact group entries
$+00000000 9 BYTEs ???
+00000009 WORD //separator value
+0000000B WORD ??? (0)
>> Format of 99b user information:
00000000 LONG number of 99b property blocks
00000004 --- collection of consecutive 99b property blocks
(see ICQPROP.TXT for property descriptions)
$+00000000 12 BYTEs unused??? (0)
+0000000C WORD //separator value
+0000000E DWORD timestamp of last information update (local time)
>> Format of each 99b property block:
00000000 WORD //separator value
00000002 LONG number of user properties in this block
00000006 --- list of consecutive user properties
== Format of Contact (NewDB) data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E5h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG label = 55534552h ('USER')
00000022 LONG user entry status:
2 = active
5 = removed from contact list
12 = deleted from address book?
13 = outdated/defunct???
14 = outdated/defunct???
00000026 LONG value of contact group containing user
0000002A 40 BYTEs ???
00000052 WORD //separator value
00000054 LONG number of user event WAV entries
00000058 --- list of consecutive user event WAV entries
(see format under "My Details (NewDB)")
$+00000000 38 BYTEs ???
+00000026 WORD //separator value
+00000028 --- 99a user information for contact
(see format under "My Details (NewDB)")
== Format of Contact (Db99b) data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E5h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG label = 55534552h ('USER')
00000022 LONG user entry status:
2 = active
5 = removed from contact list
12 = deleted from address book?
13 = outdated/defunct???
14 = outdated/defunct???
00000026 LONG value of contact group containing user
0000002A WORD //separator value
0000002C LONG number of user event WAV entries
00000030 --- list of consecutive user event WAV entries
(see format under "My Details (NewDB)")
$+00000000 WORD //separator value
+00000002 --- 99b user information for contact
(see format under "My Details (Db99b)")
== Format of Address Book? data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = E7h
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG label = 47524752h ('GRGR')
00000022 LONG ???
00000026 LONG unused??? (0)
0000002A LONG ??? (-10001)
0000002C WORD length of address book name
0000002E ASCIIZ address book name
== Format of Event Folder data:
0000000C BYTE first byte of signature = EFh
0000001C WORD //separator value
0000001E LONG number of event subfolder folders
00000020 --- list of consecutive event subfolder entries
$+00000000 LONG ??? (0)
+00000004 LONG ???
+00000008 WORD ???
+0000000A WORD ???
+0000000C WORD length of event folder name
+0000000E ASCIIZ event folder name
$+00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
+00000004 LONG ??? (0)
>> Format of each event subfolder entry:
00000000 WORD //separator value
00000002 LONG number of contact entries
00000006 --- list of consecutive contact entries
$+00000000 LONG ???
+00000004 LONG ??? (0)
+00000008 WORD ???
+0000000A WORD ???
+0000000C WORD length of event subfolder name
+0000000E ASCIIZ event subfolder name
$+00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
+00000004 LONG ??? (0)
+00000008 LONG total events in this subfolder
>> Format of each contact entry:
00000000 WORD //separator value
00000002 LONG ??? (0)
00000006 LONG ???
0000000A LONG ??? (0)
0000000E WORD ???
00000010 WORD ???
00000012 WORD length of nickname
00000014 ASCIIZ contact's nickname (as shown in the contact list)
$+00000000 LONG ??? (-1)
+00000004 LONG UIN of contact
+00000008 LONG events in this subfolder concerning this contact
The following people have contributed to this document:
Derek Soeder : initial draft (version 0.10) and
preliminary research
Michael T. Babcock : HTML version; available
at http://www.linuxsupportline.com/~pgp/linux/icq99db.html
Sergey Didyk (AKA Dedok) : located GMT offset
value in "User Information", and documented its values
Contributions are always welcome! If you think you have new information
to add, an update to some incomplete or obsolete information, or a
correction to make, please contact the document's current manager (name
and e-mail listed in the notice at the beginning of the document).